
Maintaining the IceWarp Email Server has never been easier. The API brings you the best way to maintain your IceWarp Server from any programming language such as Visual C++, Visual Studio, Delphi, FreePascal, PHP, ASP, Visual Basic, Microsoft .NET or any other.

You can use the RPC (Remote Procedure Call) to access the server remotely or COM object.

Both RPC and COM can be used right after the IceWarp Email Server installation has been finished

There are multiple objects you can use to maintain the server. The class names are:








All of them interact with each other and make the hardest work for you.

The APIObject is the root of the whole API. It offers the basic functions like Backup, Restore, Global settings maintenance and Domain access.

When accessed a domain the DomainObject is returned. This object lets you maintain your domains, edit, delete, settings, and account access. The object can be created without even creating the APIObject.

When accessing an account the AccountObject is returned which offers you complete account managment features, edit, delete, settings, browse all users and much more.

You can also create this object without any prior object creation.

Every object has the LastErr property which contains the last error. Error is any negative number a function or property returned. Any positive or zero number is considered as a success.

Any properties set or retrieved are automatically converted to the right variable type no matter if it is a number, string or date. See the complete list of all constant names in the api\delphi\apiconst.pas file.